Friday, October 14, 2011

Math in the Library @ Mary Lillard

Today, Mr. Roe's 6th grade GT math class stopped in the library to apply what they had been learning in class.  The class had been studying decimals.  We decided to show them one real-world application....the Dewey Decimal System!  Students rotated through stations using Destiny Quest, arranging non-fiction books in order, and locating non-fiction books using a call number.  Simple, but fun and relevant!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunflower Seeds Press - Author Ronda Friend

Mary Jo Sheppard Elementary had a wonderful visit from author Ronda Friend on September 27th.  She is a professional storyteller, published author, and song writer.  She included a little bit of everything during her visit at our campus.  She presented in the morning with story presentations, she directed grade levels in the afternoon in writing workshops, and she came back at night for a family night.  The highlight of the evening was her recruitment of students and their families for a play for one of her books entitled P.U. You Stink!  Parents, teachers, and students absolutely loved Mrs. Friend!

ELL Extravangaza - Mary Jo Sheppard Elementary

On the last Friday of each month, our ELL population will celebrate the different cultures with an Extravaganza.  This is collaboratively led by Andrea Roberts (ELL teacher) and Sharon Prince (MJS LMS).  Our first meeting was held on September 30 with a focus on Mexico.  We had Mexican books, songs, slideshow, craft, and cultural food.  Our next meeting will be on Oct. 28th with the focus on Middle Eastern countries.  We have 11 cultures represented in our ELL program and the plan is to touch on all of them.

Character Education - Mary Jo Sheppard Elementary

During the week of September 26-30, Teresa Franklin (MJS counselor) and Sharon Prince (MJS LMS) collaborated and co-taught grade level lessons on character education.  This first six weeks dealt with respect.  We are using a curriculum entitled PopCorn Park.  We will focus on six different pillars of character education.  We will meet with the students during the last week of each six weeks.  This will also create an extra hour of available time for teachers to work on report cards and SST paperwork.